It’s easy to understand what guys are looking for from an online hookup. It’s a little bit more mysterious, at least from a guy’s perspective, what women expect. The truth, however, is it really shouldn’t be that mysterious. If you interview women who join online hookup websites their answers are pretty much uniform. In fact, if you strip away all the outdated and ass backward double standards that most Americans still hang on to at some level or other, the answer is actually quite clear: What works for guys works for women, too.
You have to remember that we’re talking about an online hookup here. We’re not talking about traditional dating. We’re not talking about anything having to do with emotions or emotional involvement. It’s all about having fun physically. So what do women expect from a typical online hookup?
Great sex
First and foremost, a woman is looking for great sex. In other words, if you’re going to show up for an online hookup with a chick, make sure you deliver the kind of experience she’s looking for.
A great atmosphere
Make no mistake about it, having sex on the side, whether you have a partner or not, has an air of mystery. There is some sort of rebellious, out-of-the-box, living-on-the-edge kind of feel to it. This can lead to the overall sexy ambience of the experience.
Something adventurous
Women who look for online hookups take many different forms. In fact, there are lots of women that you really wouldn’t expect to be on the market for an online hookup. Why do these women look for this kind of experience? They’re looking to experience something new. They’re looking for an adventure.
This is why a lot of women from really conservative backgrounds or religious backgrounds really get off on online hookup websites; ADULTSEXHOOKUPS. Because they’re looking to push their boundaries, they’re looking to explore something new. If you play the game safely and you protect yourself, why not?